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355 K 300 RADAR - manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in India
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355 K 300 RADAR

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X, K, Ka, and Super Wideband Ka Detection X, K, and Ka Superwide are the radar bands that are used by police radar guns. X band was the first band used for by radar guns, but is now the least used. All radar detectors that we carry detect all 3 of these bands. Instant-On (Pulse) Detection: Most radar guns are constantly transmitting a signal that can be detected by a radar detector. Some radar guns have an "Instant-On" or "Pulse" feature. These radar guns will not transmit a signal that can be detected until the police officer releases the radar, which he usually will only do when his target is within range.Safety Warning System (SWS™) Alert : The Safety Warning System™ (SWS™) is an alert band that is emitted by many highway crews and emergency vehicles. Having a radar detector that monitors for this band could alert you to potential road or driving hazards. Some models with voice alerts or alpha-numeric displays have the ability to speak or display a description of the specific SWS™ warning for which you are being alerted. For example, if the alert was "Road work ahead" you would hear that message spoken if your unit supports voice alerts, and you would see that message if your unit has an alpha-numeric display. VG-2 Alert: VG-2 is a technology that police use to detect radar detectors. This is primarily used in states where radar detectors are illegal. Radar detectors that have the VG-2 Stealth feature can make themselves invisible to this detection. High Gain Icon Display : LED displays use lights to indicate alerts. Typically, there will be a light or combination of lights to represent each band. It is marked on the display which lights refer to which band. A more advanced form of the LED display uses icons in front of lights. This usually makes it easier to understand the alert at a glance..


Signal Strength Indicator : "Signal Strength" refers to how close the radar is to the radar detector. Most models have a way of indicating the signal strength. Basic units with only LED displays indicate the signal strength by how rapidly the LED flashes. Some models display a number between 1 and 9. Others have icons on the display to indicate the strength. On models with alpha-numeric displays, signal strength is generally represented by an on-screen bar graph. 3 City Modes and Highway Mode: City mode will reduce the number of false alarms that you will receive. There are some differences in the ways that each manufacturer implements City mode. In some cases, city mode will filter out all X band signals detected. Other units will still beep when a signal is detected, but will automatically enter Quiet mode after one or two beeps if the signal is week. Highway mode does not filter out any band, or automatically silence weak signals. Auto and Manual Muting : Auto muting allows you to tell the radar detector to automatically mute or lower the volume after the first few seconds of beeping. Manual muting usually means that there is a Mute or a Quiet button on the unit that will silence the current alert when pressed. Vehicle Battery Saver : This feature will automatically turn off the radar detector after a set period of time. This prevents your radar detector from draining your battery if you forget to turn it off. In the case of cordless radar detectors, it prevents draining of it's own batteries. Volume Control: Adjusts the loudness of the audio alerts on the unit. Self Test : During a self test, a unit will typically cycle through the beep for each band, and activate each light or icon on the display. For alpha numeric models, the most common messages are usually flashed on the display during the self test. SPECIFICATIONS: X, K, Ka, and Super Wideband Ka Detection X, K, and Ka Superwide are the radar bands that are used by police radar guns. X band was the first band used for by radar guns, but is now the least used. All radar detectors that we carry detect all 3 of these bands. Instant-On (Pulse) Detection: Most radar guns are constantly transmitting a signal that can be detected by a radar detector. Some radar guns have an "Instant-On" or "Pulse" feature. These radar guns will not transmit a signal that can be detected until the police officer releases the radar, which he usually will only do when his target is within range.Safety Warning System (SWS™) Alert : The Safety Warning System™ (SWS™) is an alert band that is emitted by many highway crews and emergency vehicles. Having a radar detector that monitors for this band could alert you to potential road or driving hazards. Some models with voice alerts or alpha-numeric displays have the ability to speak or display a description of the specific SWS™ warning for which you are being alerted. For example, if the alert was "Road work ahead" you would hear that message spoken if your unit supports voice alerts, and you would see that message if your unit has an alpha-numeric display. VG-2 Alert: VG-2 is a technology that police use to detect radar detectors. This is primarily used in states where radar detectors are illegal. Radar detectors that have the VG-2 Stealth feature can make themselves invisible to this detection. High Gain Icon Display : LED displays use lights to indicate alerts. Typically, there will be a light or combination of lights to represent each band. It is marked on the display which lights refer to which band. A more advanced form of the LED display uses icons in front of lights. This usually makes it easier to understand the alert at a glance..

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